
Contract Staffing
Technology is the driver in today's marketplace. Businesses need to respond rapidly to implementing cutting edge solutions to stay in the race and offer better products and services. We support our customers by offering On Demand, Just in Time, flexible Staff Augmentation services so that our customers can focus on their core business. We can ramp up your project team by tapping into our pool of pre-screened IT consultants - talented workforce with experience in industry verticals and leading technologies. Our quick response services can support your staffing needs due to new project initiatives, short term milestones, leave of absence, or any other cause.

Our effective search capabilities from internal database, networking, user groups and employee referrals help us find qualified resources or full time employees matching our customer requirements. I_MATE Staffing Solution Pvt Ltd, provides our customers with highly qualified professionals and a commitment to maintaining the highest standards of excellence. Our account manager meets with the customer to understand the skills and knowledge best suited for their unique needs.

Contract Hire
Because we are confident in our ability to match our clients and candidates, the majority of our placements is consulting or career placements. However, we do offer the flexibility of consultant-to-hire positions, an arrangement that is occasionally preferred by both clients and candidates. This option gives both parties a "try-out" period to see if there is a career match. It also allows for a flexible time-frame while covering staffing needs.

Permanent Placement
Because we are confident in our ability to match our clients and candidates, the majority of our placements is consulting or career placements. However, we do offer the flexibility of consultant-to-hire positions, an arrangement that is occasionally preferred by both clients and candidates. This option gives both parties a "try-out" period to see if there is a career match. It also allows for a flexible time-frame while covering staffing needs.

Finding right match
To ensure we place the 'right' candidate, we spend a great deal of time on our four principles for successful permanent placement. we listen to the requirements of both client and candidate. We communicate openly by asking our clients and candidates questions that cover not just the required expertise, but issues like corporate culture, opportunities for advancement, and any specific questions from either party. We research the open positions for a thorough understanding of the client's requirements. We facilitate a match between candidate and client and we never "sell" any candidate and client into a new career position.
Information technology consulting (also called IT consulting, computer consultancy, computing consultancy, technology consulting, business and technology services or IT advisory) is a field that focuses on advising businesses
I-Mate Staffing Solution is committed to delivering confidence through our software solutions. To accomplish this, we use the latest technologies, processes, paradigms, development tools
Based on the GRGMR( Goals > Roles > Gaps > Maps > Results ) model illustrated, I-MATE will perform the following services that are designed to identify and create the task-based curriculum.